Summer’s here, and while a cold can of soda might seem like the perfect poolside companion, your thirst shouldn’t take a vacation. Experts agree that drinking sugar-sweetened sodas increases your risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colorectal cancer, and premature death – and diet sodas aren’t much better. That means for many of us already managing chronic conditions like diabetes, urinary incontinence (UI), or lung disease, sugary sodas are an even bigger fizzy faux pas!

Fortunately, there are plenty of refreshing alternatives that offer all the fizz and flavor without the drawbacks. This blog is here to be your summer drink squad with a cooler full of non-soda sippables that are delicious and keep your health goals bubbly.

Diabetes-Friendly Delights

Managing diabetes means keeping a close eye on your sugar intake. A single can of soda can contain upwards of 40 grams of sugar (that’s about 10 teaspoons). For diabetics, drinking soda regularly can cause dangerous blood sugar spikes, increased insulin resistance, weight gain, and other complications.

Instead, try these tasty alternatives:

  • Sparkling Water with a Splash. Feeling fruity? Add a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime, or grapefruit to sparkling water for a natural (and calorie-free!) burst of flavor. If you need a little more zest, try sparkling water with a splash of 100% orange or mango juice for a bubbly brunch beverage, sans sugar and spirits.
  • Kombucha. This fermented tea drink is not only fizzy and flavorful but also packed with probiotics that support gut health. Opt for brands with no added sugar to keep it diabetes-friendly.
  • Flavored Ice Teas. Unsweetened iced teas are a fantastic base. Get creative! Add a sprig of mint, muddled berries, or a dash of cinnamon. Bonus points for brewing your own tea for maximum control over sugar content.

Better Blends for Bladder Health

Avoiding sodas is a smart strategy for managing urinary incontinence. Sugary sodas often contain caffeine and artificial sweeteners, which are known to increase symptoms like leakage and frequent urination. By choosing healthier, low-caffeine, and low-sugar alternatives, individuals can reduce bladder irritation, maintain proper hydration, and potentially alleviate some symptoms of incontinence.

  • Watermelon Water. Yes, it’s a thing! Blend seedless watermelon chunks with a little water for a naturally sweet and hydrating drink. Watermelon is a good source of potassium, which can help regulate muscle function, including those involved in bladder control.
  • Cranberry Spritzer. Cranberry juice can be a urinary tract BFF. Mix unsweetened cranberry juice with sparkling water for a refreshing and tart drink that might help prevent bladder infections (always consult your doctor for UTI prevention strategies.)
  • Herbal Tea. Chamomile, hibiscus, and peppermint teas are all naturally caffeine-free and can even help relax the bladder muscles. Brew a big batch, chill it in the fridge, and enjoy it over ice with a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint.
  • Coconut Water. Nature’s sports drink, coconut water is hydrating and full of electrolytes that can help maintain bladder control. Plus, it has a slightly sweet taste that will satisfy your soda cravings.

Respiratory Relief Refreshers

If you have respiratory issues like asthma or COPD, staying hydrated is crucial – but sodas aren’t the smart solution. High sugar intake can lead to increased inflammation and mucus production, both of which make breathing harder and cause more frequent flare-ups. Caffeinated sodas act as diuretics, leading to dehydration that thickens mucus and makes it harder to clear with your cough. Carbonation can also contribute to acid reflux, which can trigger asthma symptoms as the acid irritates your airway.

Here are some lung-loving alternatives to keep you cool:

  • Herbal Infused Water: Feeling fancy? Steep ginger, peppermint, or eucalyptus leaves in hot water for a soothing and flavorful drink. Ginger can help ease nausea, which can sometimes be a symptom of COPD, while peppermint and eucalyptus may help open up airways.
  • Warm Lemon Water. This classic is a winner for a reason! Warm water helps clear congestion and lemon adds a touch of flavor and vitamin C, which can be a helpful immune booster.
  • Green Tea. Grab a frosty glass of unsweetened iced green tea for a gulp of healthy flavor. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that can help fight inflammation in the airways while keeping you cool and hydrated.

Bonus Tip: No matter your health condition, ditch the straw! Sipping directly from a glass helps you slow down and savor your drink, which can help you avoid overindulging.

Remember, America’s Best Care Plus is always here for you! We stock a wide variety of diabetic testing supplies, intermittent catheters, and respiratory aids to help you manage chronic conditions with ease. So ditch the sugary soda and raise a glass (or a reusable water bottle) to a refreshing and healthy summer!