Hey there, sugar! No, not the sweet term of endearment, but the real sugary stuff that sneaks into our diet. While we all know the thrill of a tasty sugar rush, that sweetness can come with a high cost to your health. If you have trouble taming your sweet tooth, you aren’t alone; according to the CDC, 3 in 5 Americans consume more than the recommended amount of added sugar each day. But even if you try to be sugar-savvy, the hidden truth about added sugars might surprise you.

The Sneaky Sugar Invasion

Added sugars are like that uninvited guest at a party; you’ll find them in places where you’d least expect them. Sure, we all know that cookies, cakes, and sodas have sugar, but what about bread, pasta sauces, and even some salad dressings? You read that right!

Manufacturers often add sugar to enhance flavor, and it can end up in around 74% of packaged foods. From “glucose” and “sucrose” to “high-fructose corn syrup,” added sugars wear many disguises, making them hard to spot.

Why the Big Fuss?

Added sugars aren’t just about extra calories. They’re masterminds at messing with our overall health. Here are some ways added sugar can cost you:

  • Weight Gain: Added sugars are essentially “empty calories” that contain no nutritional benefit to your body. These kinds of calories are stored as fat, which can lead to obesity if you aren’t careful. Obesity is a slippery slope to other health issues like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  • Studies suggest that a diet high in added sugars increases your risk of chronic inflammation. This can cause joint pain, heart disease, and other health conditions.
  • Heart Health: Eating too much sugar can raise blood pressure and increase triglycerides, putting you at greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Fatty Liver Disease: Your liver converts fructose into fat, some of which is stored in the organ. Over time, a buildup of extra fat in the liver turns into fatty liver disease, a chronic condition that can damage your liver and other organs.
  • Tooth Decay: Your smile lights up a room, but sugar might dim that shine by causing cavities.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: This is a big one! Added sugars are processed quickly by the body, which causes rapid spikes in blood sugar. Over time, high sugar intake can lead to insulin resistance, opening the door to Type 2 diabetes.

Sweet Tips for a Healthier You

Cutting down on added sugars doesn’t mean you have to part ways with all things delicious. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Opt for Natural Sweetness. Enjoy fruits, honey, or even spices like cinnamon for a natural sugar fix.
  • Become a Label Pro. Read food labels closely and try to avoid products with high amounts of added sugar. Look for anything ending in “ose” (sucrose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, etc.), high-fructose corn syrup, and fruit juice concentrates.
  • Control Portions: Enjoy your treats, but moderation is key.
  • Control Your Blood Sugar. That sweet sugar rush is actually high blood sugar, a problem that leads to Type 2 Diabetes. Keep your blood sugar levels stable by cutting back on added sugar and watching for signs like excessive thirst, frequent urination, headache and fatigue. You can keep a close eye on your glucose levels with our diabetes testing supplies, which we deliver right to your door.

Added sugars might be a crafty bunch, but now you’ve got the scoop on them. Take charge of your health by making informed choices, and you’ll feel a whole lot sweeter.