May 5, 2021 is World Asthma Day, an annual call-to-action organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to spread awareness about the condition world-wide.

The day kicks off Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, a global initiative to spread accurate and responsible awareness about these common, chronic conditions. Healthcare providers and facilities across the world get involved by offering free asthma screenings, providing up-to-date resources on the condition, and hosting community activities.

This year’s theme is “Uncovering Asthma Misconceptions.” Like many common conditions, asthma has a large share of myths and misinformation. Because it affects millions of adults and children across the globe, correcting these misconceptions is extremely important in reducing mortality rates in asthma patients.

What is Asthma?

Most of us know someone who has been diagnosed with Asthma – it may even be you. Asthma is a condition in which the airways narrow, swell, become inflamed, and produce excess mucus, causing difficulty breathing. It’s one of the most common conditions in the world, with cases increasing each year. Asthma cannot be cured, and without proper treatment can cause permanent breathing problems and even death.

Fast Asthma Facts:

  • About 1 in 12 people in the United States have asthma.
  • Asthma most commonly develops during childhood, but it can occur at any age. Adults and even senior citizens can develop asthma.
  • Asthma is not infectious, but it can be exacerbated by viral respiratory infections and allergies.
  • There is no cure for asthma, but it can be managed and controlled with proper treatment. This may include avoiding asthma triggers and taking prescribed medications such as inhaled corticosteroids.
  • When asthma is controlled, patients are allowed and even encouraged to engage in exercise and sports.

How to Observe World Asthma Day

  • Download, print, and distribute the World Asthma Day logo to spread asthma awareness.
  • Join the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) in 31 days of action to promote asthma awareness all month long.