What is Bronchitis and how to treat it?

Bronchitis is a very common problem that affects people in all parts of the globe. The condition is actually marked by a swelling of the big bronchial tubes which form the primary airway for the lungs. Know about the types of bronchitis and how to treat them.

Types of Bronchitis

The disorder is categorized into 2 types, Chronic and Acute. Acute Bronchitis, also referred to as Short Term Bronchitis, results from the same types of viruses which leads to flu or common cold. Chronic Bronchitis arises due to constant inflammation and irritation of the lungs due to particles such as those present in cigarette smoke. It is not unnatural that a major part of the smoker population develops Chronic Bronchitis. This is a serious bronchial tube disorder which results in chronic cough and production of excessive amount of mucus. Treatment should be sought immediately in this case.

Treatment for Bronchitis

The treatment for bronchitis usually consists of the following types of approaches:

  • Expectorants – Given that antibiotics do not have any effect in destroying the viruses responsible for the condition, treatment mainly aims at the management of symptoms. Expectorants are useful in bringing up phlegm to the throat and help in its expulsion. In some cases, an inhaler can be useful for alleviating the signs and symptoms. 

  • Analgesics – Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used at times. Aspirin can also be used among the common pain relievers, which are particularly useful when a patient suffers from symptoms like that of fever. Peripheral analgesics, like cough drops, can also be consumed.

  • Mucolytics – These types of medicines are used in order to loosen or thin out the mucus within the air passages. This makes it more convenient for patients to cough up the phlegm. Such kinds of medicines are generally used for the treatment of Chronic Bronchitis.

  • Bronchodilators – These are generally prescribed for the treatment of asthma, but can also be useful for bronchitis treatment. With bronchodilators, mucus can be cleared up and the bronchial tubes can be opened up.
  • Steroids – Use of steroids of glucocorticoid variety, which are actually anti-inflammatory medicines, helps cure persistent signs and symptoms. These are often administered along with an inhaler.

In many cases of acute bronchitis, patients are advised to get enough rest to strengthen their immunity and let the body do its own work. They are also recommended to have enough fluids to thin out the mucus. 

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