There are a number of allergies that are caused by pollen plant species. This allergen is considered to be very harmful for some people. The most alarming aspect is its abundance in most areas. No matter where you go, you will find pollen, a fine powder that grows on grasses, trees, and flowers. Therefore, if you are suffering from pollen allergy, must take precautionary measures at all times.

Around 25 million Americans are allergic to some kind of pollen. A majority gets affected by tree pollen, while some get an allergic reaction due to grass pollen. Other than that, weed plant is also responsible for pollen allergy in some people. Along with pollen, mold also contributes a lot to spreading this disease. 

Types of Pollen Allergy

Among a number of pollen plants, there are few that create very adverse reactions. Mentioned below are the common types of pollen allergy:

  1. Oak Pollen Allergy
  2. Birch Pollen Allergy
  3. Ragweed Pollen Allergy
  4. Grass Pollen Allergy


Pollen allergy seems to create a number of symptoms that are otherwise hard to miss. Some of the main ones are as follows:

  • Along with a runny nose, you will consistently cough.
  • You will feel sinus pressure, which will cause extremely painful facial compression.
  • You will sneeze a lot.
  • Your nose will become stuffy due to nasal congestion.
  • There will be itchiness in the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
  • The scratchy throat will become unbearable.
  • You might not sense original tastes at all.
  • Your smelling sense will also get affected to a greater extent.
  • You will also experience shortness of breath.

Treatment Options

No matter how irritating it might seem, pollen allergy is always manageable. You just have to alter the way you operate on a day-to-day basis.

  • Firstly, you should keep your windows closed during high pollen season.
  • Other than that, you should try to use herbs like butterbur.
  • You should better sit in air conditioners.
  • The habit of daily vacuuming will also help you get rid of all the particles.
  • It is also advised to shampoo your hair at least 4 times a week.
  • You should regularly wash clothes that have been worn outside.
  • Before heading out, you should also wear a dust mask.
  • Along with all the necessary precautions, you should take medicated drugs like pseudoephedrine decongestants and, oxymetazoline.

In case, the symptoms seem to be out of your hand, then you should for a regular treatment.

  • Many have benefitted from taking allergic shots. You might need to inject yourself one or two times. The shots help to eliminate the reaction caused by the harmful allergens.
  • With the passage of time, the number of injections may increase depending upon your overall progress. 

A Final Word

Keeping in mind the severity of this allergic reaction, it is important to remain in touch with a doctor. This way, you will timely communicate with them the possible side effects of any medicine. It is also suggested not to try anything new without consulting with a practiced physician.

DISCLAIMER: The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.