Who doesn’t love a good picnic? Heading outdoors to feast on your favorite snacks and enjoy the fresh air is a perfect summertime activity. But if you have special dietary needs like food allergies or diabetes, attending a picnic can pose a few problems. From carb-heavy sandwiches and sugary sodas to hidden allergens like nuts or gluten, a picnic can lead to perilous snacking.

But you don’t have to accept that you aren’t a picnic person. July is National Picnic Month, a time to celebrate our love of delicious al fresco dining. That’s why we invite you to pack your best basket with fresh summer flavors and follow our tips for planning a safe and delicious picnic you’ll want to sink your teeth into.

1. Get Creative with Planning.

When creating your picnic menu, invest some time in selecting fresh and simple recipes that will please everyone’s palate. If a guest has food allergies, be sure to comb over your ingredients carefully and avoid any foods that could trigger an attack. For diabetics or other mindful eaters, go for whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, and keep an eye on the carb count. Salads, hummus with veggies, and grilled chicken are great crowd-pleasers. Don’t shy away from swapping ingredients in traditional picnic recipes to suit dietary needs – let your creative chef instincts shine!

2. Food Labeling is Your Friend.

This one might seem a bit overboard, but trust us, it’s a lifesaver. When packing your picnic, include labels on your food containers that list the ingredients. It helps everyone know what they’re digging into and prevents any accidental allergen intake or blood sugar spikes. Plus, it could be a fun DIY project that adds a personal touch to your picnic setup!

3. The Hydration Station.

While soft drinks and store-bought juices are picnic classics, they can be laden with sugars and potential allergens. How about jazzing things up with homemade iced teas, fruit-infused water, or even sugar-free lemonade? They’re refreshing, hydrating, and, best of all, tailored to everyone’s needs.

4. Pack Some Backup.

Even with all the careful planning, it’s always good to have a safety net. For those with food allergies, carry any necessary medication or an EpiPen, if required. Diabetics should bring their glucose monitor, testing supplies, and some quick-acting glucose sources, like fruit juice or glucose tablets, in case of low blood sugar.

5. Try our Sublingual Allergy Drops.

Tired of your food allergies interfering with your fun? Our sublingual allergy drops are effective at treating a wide range of common food allergies with just a few drops under your tongue each day. They’re safer than shots and completely painless, and they can be administered easily in the comfort of home.

6. Don’t Forget the Fun.

Finally, and most importantly, remember that picnics are all about the joy of eating in the great outdoors. Bring along games, a good book, or just enjoy the companionship and conversation. It’s about creating memories while munching on your favorite foods.

Having food allergies or diabetes doesn’t mean that you’re sidelined in the picnic game. Use these helpful tips to plan a safe and scrumptious picnic that everyone can enjoy. And if you have food allergies or diabetes, visit us online to learn more about our supply delivery programs. With quality supplies delivered right to your door, it can feel like life is a picnic, after all.