What if you could never sneeze or sniffle again?

Unfortunately, that’s not possible. But what is possible is enjoying real, lasting relief from tough allergy symptoms without the need for long-term medication or painful shots. And it’s not only possible, but expected, for those who use our sublingual allergy drops.

Allergy immunotherapy isn’t a new concept, but the difference is in the details. Our professionally compounded allergy drops offer effective, painless relief with just a few drops under your tongue each day – for some patients, in as little as 3 months! From getting started to maintaining your symptom-free status, every step is designed to make treating your allergies as easy as possible.

Here’s how to navigate those steps with ease.

Step 1: Talk to your healthcare provider.

Visit this page to request your complimentary Allergy Packet, an easy-to-use form you can deliver straight to your physician. Ask your GP to complete the form and send it back to us to begin your treatment as soon as possible.

Step 2: Begin your starter dose.

Once your physician has provided a prescription for sublingual allergy treatment, our professional pharmacy team will go to work compounding your first series of dropper bottles. When they are delivered to your door, it’s time to begin your starter dose.

Your initial treatment plan includes 8 vials of compounded allergy drops that you will apply under your tongue once per day. You’ll begin with a low concentration of allergens (1 to 39 million) and gradually increase your exposure over 85 days until you reach a concentration of 1 to 500. This helps eliminate unwanted reactions as your body becomes desensitized to the substance.

Step 3: Move to maintenance mode.

Once you’ve completed your starter dose, it’s time to move on to maintenance. Your maintenance vials will contain 1 to 500 concentration (or 1 to 200 concentration, if needed) and should be applied as 2 drops under your tongue each day. You will stay at this dose and schedule for the duration of your sublingual allergy treatment.

Step 4: Live your best life!

That’s all it takes! With just 2 drops of your sublingual allergy drops under your tongue each day, you can enjoy a life free of severe allergy symptoms. As you enjoy your newfound freedom, our dedicated pharmacy team will be here to answer your questions, give monthly reminders, and deliver on-time refills right to your door. Who knew being allergy free could be so easy?

Ready to start your road to allergy relief? Want to know more? Visit us online to get started and take control of your allergies today.