Fruits form an important part of a person’s diet. They supply all the necessary minerals, fiber, and the vitamins that are required for the body to function properly and maintain the strength. But unfortunately, there are some people that have fruit allergies and cannot eat a particular fruit or a particular group of fruits because of that. Once the fruit allergy has been identified, the person with this allergy should stop eating that particular fruit as a cure for this allergy.

Signs & Symptoms of Fruit Allergy

Fruit allergy causes the lips or mouth of an individual with this type of energy to swell or burn the moment they eat a fruit. Other symptoms include:

  • Skin Irritation
  • Redness or Rashes
  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Decreased blood pressure leading to reduced oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Swelling of throat and airways leading to breathing problem

Different Fruit Allergies

Fruit allergy is not limited to a particular type of fruit. Different people can have allergy from various fruits. In some people, eating a banana may give them a severe reaction and for some mango can be the source of fruit allergy. Some of these fruits may evoke more reaction than the others. In some cases, fruit allergy can also be caused by merely touching a fruit rather than eating it.

The causes of fruit allergies depend on the fruit or the classes of fruit that is causing the allergy. The reason for the development of allergy of fruits such as lemons, oranges limes, and grapefruit allergy is due to their acidic nature. These fruits belong to citrus fruits class and their acidic nature can cause mild to severe allergic reactions in the body of the individual suffering from fruit allergy of this class.

Treatment and Management of Fruit Allergies

The person with food allergies is required to completely avoid eating the particular food that evokes a reaction in their bodies. However, if fruits are eaten after being cooked, the reaction may not occur. Most of the people with fruit allergies also have pollen allergy that can cause some severe reactions in their bodies.

A complete course of allergy shots or allergy drops can minimize or completely eliminate the allergy reactions. However, you may need to take allergy drops on the daily basis or allergy shots twice or thrice a week, and the course may continue for up to 5 years or until the time your body shows complete resistance to the allergens.

Fruit allergies can be identified in the early childhood. A child may develop this allergy from their parents as it can be hereditary. If both the parents have this allergy, there are high chances of their offspring having the same allergy. You need to visit your doctor as soon as possible when you encounter the signs and symptoms of allergy to a particular fruit or fruit group.

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