The pencils are sharpened, the backpacks are filled, and the excitement (and maybe a touch of anxiety) for the new school year is buzzing. But for parents of diabetic students, there’s another layer to consider: managing their child’s health in a new environment. Don’t worry, America’s Best Care Plus is here to help! We’ve compiled some essential “school hacks” that will empower your child to thrive in the classroom while keeping their diabetes in check.

Pack a Diabetic Kit

One of the most important steps is to create a diabetic kit that your child can carry in their backpack. This kit should include:

  • Fast-Acting Carbohydrates: Pack items like glucose tabs, fruit juice boxes, or gel packs that can quickly raise blood sugar levels during a hypoglycemic episode.
  • Blood Glucose Meter and Test Strips: Ensure your child has their blood glucose meter, test strips, and lancets to monitor their blood sugar levels throughout the day.
  • Insulin and Delivery Devices: If your child uses insulin, make sure they have their insulin pens, syringes, or pump supplies readily available.
  • Snacks: Include snacks like granola bars or crackers to help maintain stable blood sugar levels between meals.

Communicate with School Staff

Open communication with school staff is crucial. Arrange a meeting with your child’s teachers, school nurse, and other relevant staff to discuss your child’s diabetes management plan. Provide them with detailed information on:

  • Emergency Procedures: Explain what to do in case of a high or low blood sugar emergency, including how to administer glucagon if necessary.
  • Symptoms of Blood Sugar Changes: Teach them how to recognize the signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, so they can act quickly.
  • Daily Routine: Inform them of your child’s testing and insulin schedule, as well as any dietary needs or restrictions.

Plan for Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for all students, but it requires special planning for diabetic children. Ensure your child’s PE teacher and coaches are aware of their condition and know how to manage it. Tips include:

  • Check Blood Sugar Levels: Have your child check their blood sugar before and after physical activities to avoid unexpected drops or spikes.
  • Adjust Insulin Dosages: Consult with your healthcare provider to adjust insulin doses on days with high physical activity.
  • Stay Hydrated: Encourage your child to drink plenty of water, as dehydration can affect blood sugar levels.

Educate Your Child

Empower your child to manage their diabetes by educating them about their condition and encouraging them to advocate for their health needs. This includes:

  • Recognize Symptoms: How to recognize the symptoms of low and high blood sugar and what to do in each case.
  • Proper Testing Techniques: Ensure they know how to properly use their testing supplies and administer insulin if needed.
  • Seek Help: Encourage them to seek help from teachers or friends if they feel unwell or if their blood sugar levels are not in the normal range.

By incorporating these “school hacks,” you can equip your child with the confidence and tools to manage their diabetes effectively while excelling in school. Remember, America’s Best Care Plus is here to support you every step of the way. We offer a wide range of diabetic testing supplies and continuous glucose monitors, conveniently delivered to your doorstep. Visit our website or call us today to learn more about our diabetes supply programs and make this school year a success!