As we prepare for the holiday travel season, cramped seats and airport chaos may not be your biggest concern. If you’re traveling with asthma, planning your trip may leave you a little breathless. Which medications should you pack? How do you store them safely? Are asthma inhalers even allowed on airplanes?

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Before you start packing your bags and breathing machines, we’ve got some tips to help you travel safely and reduce your risk of sudden symptoms.

1. Air Travel with Asthma – Breezing Through Security

First off, yes, you can – and absolutely should – bring your inhaler on a plane. The TSA isn’t out to take our breath away! In fact, inhalers are such a common carry-on item they might as well be considered as essential as your passport. Just remember the 3-1-1 liquids rule doesn’t apply to medically necessary liquids like nebulizers. So, feel free to pack your liquid meds without fear of them being confiscated and turned into the world’s least exciting airport cocktail. Just be sure to have them easily accessible for screening.

2. Medication Management – Don’t Get Caught in a Huff

Always pack more medication than you think you’ll need. Accidents happen, bags get lost, and Santa might not be the only one delayed this holiday season. Keeping an extra prescription label handy can also be a lifesaver in case you need a refill far from home. Remember, it’s better to be looking at it than looking for it!

3. Stay in Your Comfort Zone – Or at Least Pack It

In addition to your inhalers and medications, pack any other comfort items that help when your lungs decide to throw a tantrum. This might include your trusty humidifier, which, let’s face it, sometimes feels like your only true friend during a dry hotel stay. And don’t forget your peak flow meter – it’s like a crystal ball for your lungs.

4. On the Road Again – Driving with Asthma

If you’re hitting the road instead of the skies, the same rules apply. Keep medications close (not in the trunk) and consider a car adapter for your nebulizer. And remember, singing along to holiday tunes is optional but highly recommended for lung health. It’s like a workout for your airways!

5. Stay Hydrated – Your Airways Will Thank You

This tip is as simple as it sounds. Drink water. Lots of it. Airplane cabins are drier than a turkey forgotten in the oven on Thanksgiving. Staying hydrated keeps your airways happy.

6. Know Before You Go – Research Your Destination

Be aware of the air quality and weather conditions at your destination. Nothing says “Happy Holidays” like walking into an unexpected allergy trigger or a cold snap that makes your lungs feel like they’re in a winter wonderland.

7. Emergency Preparedness – Better Safe Than Sorry

Lastly, know where to find medical help at your destination. It’s like knowing the location of the nearest bathroom – not always necessary, but incredibly reassuring.

Traveling with asthma doesn’t have to be as daunting as trying to assemble a trampoline Christmas Eve. With a little preparation and plenty of patience, you can enjoy your holiday travels with one less worry. And remember, America’s Best Care Plus is always here to keep your respiratory supplies stocked, whether you’re home or away. Talk to your doctor about joining our respiratory supply program to have your medications and supplies delivered right to your door each month.