Did you know that in the US, heart disease is the most common cause of death? In 2011, 787,000 people died because of heart disease in the US only. Do you want to know more about heart diseases? Read further to get to know amazing facts about heart diseases.

  1. Heart diseases claims more lives than all the types of cancer combined.
  2. The most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease that killed 380,000 people annually. It is a blocked coronary artery that supplies blood to the heart.
  3. Heart disease is at the top of the list of causes of death both in men and women.
  4. The drug for diabetes, Avandia is associated with plenty of heart attacks. It was claimed in a report by the US Senate, the producers of the medicine knew about the risks. They deliberately kept this information from the public.
  5. The cardiovascular disease costs US annually $316.4 billion.
  6. Heart disease is a term that is used for various conditions like congestive heart failure, congenital heart disease, cardiac arrest and heart attack.
  7. A person whose first-degree and second-degree relatives who suffer from heart disease have a greater risk of heart disease.
  8. In the US nearly 1000 people die each day from sudden cardiac arrest.
  9. Laughing relaxes and expands the blood vessels that helps in protecting the heart.
  10. Depression and negative emotions increase the risk of heart stroke and attack.
  11. In the US someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds. In every 60 seconds, someone dies because of a heart-related problem.
  12. 1 out of 5 women believes that heart disease is a threat to their health.
  13. Symptoms of heart disease are different in men and women. 
  14. There is a higher chance of developing a heart disease in Menopausal women. The reason is that they produce less estrogen.
  15. There is a greater risk of getting a heart attack on Monday than any other day of the week.
  16. Those who suffer from poor oral health are more prone to have atherosclerosis. This is because the bacteria in the gums can enter the blood and cause blood clotting.
  17. It was reported that over 79,400,000 Americans have one or more than one type of heart diseases.
  18. Approximately one-third of the women deaths worldwide are caused by heart disease.
  19. Those women who smoke have a risk of having heart disease 19 years before than non-smoking women.
  20. African-American women have a higher number of deaths due to heart disease than Caucasian women.
  21. Heart transplant surgery can last from 4 hours to 10 hours. The patient can leave the hospital within 7 to 16 days.
  22. Foods like almonds, walnuts, salmon, oatmeal, black and kidney beans, red wine and brown rice are good for heart health. 

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