Didn’t life feel simpler when you were a kid? Even staying healthy seemed easier in those days, when it was enough to eat good food, play often, sleep hard, and drink lots of water. As an adult, trying to stay healthy can feel like a giant maze of conflicting advice, weird side effects, and harsh crash diets.

Good health doesn’t have to be complicated, especially when it comes to your urinary tract. In fact, following those simple rules we learned as kids – good diet, proper sleep, regular exercise, and plenty of water – can build a strong foundation of urinary health.

Whether you’re at risk of urinary issues or just want to be nice to your bladder, here are four golden rules for urinary health.

1. Fill your diet with fresh fruits and veggies

When it comes to your diet, healthy in – healthy out. Fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest foods you can add to your plate, both for your urinary system and your overall health. They’re packed with fiber to combat constipation (a big factor in bladder issues); they’re full of vitamin C and D, both of which are linked to increased urination; and many have strong probiotics to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Any fruits or vegetables are fine, but some are better for your urinary system than others. Bladder-friendly foods include pears, bananas, berries, green beans, and squash. If you want to be kind to your kidneys, focus on dark leafy greens, berries (especially cranberries), and sweet potatoes. It’s also smart to avoid certain food items like alcohol, caffeine (especially coffee), artificial sweeteners, and excess sugar.

2. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water

Drinking enough water has a variety of benefits for your body, including your urinary tract. Fluids help your body flush harmful bacteria out through your urine, which helps to prevent UTIs. Excess water also increases urine production, which can help with kidney and bladder stones. Staying hydrated is the key to avoiding dehydration, which causes concentrated urine and puts undue stress on your organs.

Aim to drink an eight-ounce glass of water around six to eight times per day. You may need to adjust your water intake based on your health conditions and lifestyle factors. For example, those who exercise frequently or spend a lot of time in hot temperatures may need to drink more. If you aren’t sure about your hydration, take a peek at your pee – it should be close to clear or light yellow in color and have no overwhelming odor.

3. Stay Active

Regular exercise isn’t only good for your waistline – it’s also great for your urinary health. Studies have shown that physical activity helps reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence and may help prevent UTIs when done long-term. That’s because exercise strengthens the core and elongates the spin, a combination that takes pressure off the bladder and urinary tract. Exercise also helps you maintain a healthy weight, combats constipation, and improves blood-flow to the pelvic area (which can help with sexual dysfunction.)

Of course, intense exercise can be difficult for those with urinary issues like incontinence. For the best (and most comfortable) results, focus on low-impact exercises like cycling, yoga or swimming and avoid movements like jumping or squatting.

4. Get plenty of sleep

Proper sleep is key for overall health. Sleep is when your body repairs organs, muscles, and tissues; refreshes mineral and vitamin levels; and even restores optimal brain function. The body’s production of urine also follows a circadian rhythm, which is why lack of sleep can lead to an increase in urinary output and salt content. Aim to sleep 7-9 hours each night and practice good sleep habits such as avoiding screens an hour before bedtime to make the most of your zzzzzz’s.