February is the official month of love! While showering your loved ones with special attention this month, don’t forget to show some love to your number one this year – yourself.
While candies and chocolate are a favorite choice this time of year, there are plenty of other healthy ways to show yourself (and others) that you care! So you don’t break your resolution list right out of the gate, try one of these three healthy ways to say “I Love Me” this February.
Drink More Water
It’s no secret most Americans don’t drink enough water. In fact, most Americans live in a constant state of mild dehydration, a condition that contributes to anxiety, decreased memory and cognitive function, poor physical performance, and health conditions like kidney stones and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The good news is, increasing your water intake is easy and has a big impact almost immediately – and it’s not all physical. Drinking at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day is proven to increase energy levels, improve mood and concentration, and give your skin a youthful glow. It’s like a full relaxing spa day in one refreshing glass!
Try Meditation
People have been meditating for thousands of years – and for good reason. Meditation has an immediate impact on your emotional and mental well-being, helps you build skills to combat stress, and improves traits like self-awareness and creativity. Studies even suggest that its focus on practiced breathing can help manage the symptoms of conditions like depression, high blood pressure, and asthma.
If you don’t have time to set aside for daily meditation, don’t worry! You can add doses of meditation into a variety of activities. Meditate while walking around the block, take several deep and focused breaths at your desk, or add it into your daily yoga routine. As long as you’re focusing inward and relaxing your mind, you’re headed in the right direction.
Treat Yourself
Nobody knows your tastes like you do. This year scrap the guesswork and send a Valentine’s Day treat to someone you know will really appreciate it: yourself! For the ultimate healthy gift, schedule yourself a spa day or plan a solo date night to your favorite restaurant or museum. If you want to go more traditional, send yourself a dozen of your favorite flowers or a box of chocolate-y goodness – but watch for hidden allergies!