Many factors are responsible for this condition. As a result of eczema, the skin gets inflamed and becomes red. Initially, you might feel itchiness. In extreme cases, blisters may occur and you should immediately consult your doctor.

Types of Eczema

  • Lichen simplex chronicus
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Stasis dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Hand eczema
  • Nummular eczema
  • Seborrheic dermatitis


Contrary to popular belief, eczema is very common. According to an estimate, around 31.6 percent Americans suffer from it. As compared to adults, young kids are more vulnerable to get affected by this disease.

Apart from extensive research on this skin condition, the exact cause is still unknown.  Nonetheless, here are some factors that can cause eczema: 

  • Those people who have sensitive skin may develop eczema. By keeping the moisture out it will open a gateway for the germs.
  • Smoke and pollen are two main allergens that can trigger this condition.
  • Dairy products have also found to cause eczema.
  • In case, you consume certain nuts, you may also get affected.
  • If you have a family history of asthma, you are more likely to develop this condition.
  • Different bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus can also activate this skin reaction.
  • Many detergents, soaps, and shampoos may also produce this reaction.
  • In addition to dust mites, mold, and dandruff are also the leading causes of this allergy.


The symptoms of eczema may vary from person to person. You have to keep in mind that age plays an important factor in this regard.

One main sign to look for is itchiness.  It does not matter which part of the skin is infected, it will be itchy. The itchiness will commonly start before the rashes on hands, wrists, face, knees, and your feet. Other than that, the affected part of the skin may tend to feel thick, scaly, or even dry. Initially, you will observe redness on the skin. After some time, it will turn brown.

Treatment Options

There is no cure; however, you can manage this condition. Overall, physicians usually emphasize on healing the damaged parts of the skin.

  • You should apply moisture every day.
  • You should wear soft fabric instead of scratchy fibers.
  • You should also avoid swiftly moving in and out of extreme temperatures.
  • Other than that, it is suggested to use a non-soap cleanser.
  • You should take Anitugunfal, antibiotics and antivirus medications.
  • Along with the, it would be a lot beneficial to keep barrier repair moisturizer.
  • You can also take Antihistamines to lessen the chance of scratches.

Note: With the passage of time, some people may outgrow this condition. On the other hand, it might continue to spread in others.

A Final Word

Many people see it as a contagious disease. However, that is not the case. If diagnosed, eczema can be easily treated. Having said that, you must not delay treatment if you can relate to the above mentioned symptoms. Consult a dermatologist to help you cure this disease.


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